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Audiobooks are the solution for readers who, because of the fast pace of life, don't have enough time to read print books.

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Extensive collection

Extensive collection

New audiobooks every day. Audibook includes fiction and non-fiction literature by both domestic and foreign authors

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Access anywhere

Audibook is a mobile application that enables access, download and play audio books - anywhere and anytime.

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Android and iOS

Android and iOS

The app is available for Android and iOS, available in the GooglePlay and Apple App store

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No automatic renewal. After 60 days, the borrowing and purchase of an individual audio book is payable. No automatic renewal. After 60 days, the borrowing and purchase of an individual audio book is payable.
For end users:
audiobook Audibook d.o.o.
audiobook Savinškova ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana
audiobook [email protected]
For copyright holders:
audiobook Založba Audibook d.o.o.
audiobook Savinškova ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana
audiobook [email protected]
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