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Audio books

Audiobooks are the solution for readers who, because of the fast pace of life, don't have enough time to read print books.

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Extensive collection

New audiobooks every day. Audibook includes fiction and non-fiction literature by both domestic and foreign authors

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Access anywhere

Audibook is a mobile application that enables access, download and play audio books - anywhere and anytime.

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Android and iOS

The app is available for Android and iOS, available in the GooglePlay and Apple App store

Editor picks


Modern audibook

player with speed controls

All books

in one place


Easy to use

chapter navigation


Create your own


Modern audibook player with speed controls

Modern audibook player with speed controls

All books in one place

All books in one place

Easy to use chapter navigation

Easy to use chapter navigation

Create your own library

Create your own library


Frequently asked questions

The Audibook app offers more than 7,000 audiobooks in a variety of genres.

No. Using the Audibook web and mobile app is free of charge.

After the free trial period ends, the app remains free, but you need to borrow or purchase audiobooks to listen to them.

You can borrow an individual audiobook for a limited time or purchase it, making it available for listening indefinitely.

No, audiobook borrowing is already included in your library membership.

Library borrows last 14 days, while for paid loans, you can choose to borrow for 7, 14, or 21 days.

Over 7,000 audiobook titles are available, including novels, personal growth books, children books, poetry, travelogues, and many other categories.

Audiobooks are currently available in Slovenian, English, Croatian, and German languages.

You can sign into the Audibook app on multiple devices, but you can listen to books on only one device at a time. You will be automatically signed out on other devices.

You do not need an internet connection to listen to audiobooks downloaded in the mobile app. However, an internet connection is required to use the web app.

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The investment is co-financed by the European Union from the Cohesion Fund and the Republic of Slovenia
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