Založniki avdio knjig

Publishers of audio books

Sell your audiobooks

Audibook offers the possibility of marketing and distribution of digital audiobooks through several sales channels.


How It Works

If you already have audiobooks that you want to market, you can upload them to our distribution platform and start selling.

Your audiobooks will be available to end customers via the Audibook mobile application, which is available for Android and iOS operating systems.

You can also decide to sell rental licenses to public libraries that are included in the Audibook system.

Our sales channels currently support audio books in the Slovenian, Croatian and English language.


Distribution platform

You can upload and market your digital audiobooks through our distribution platform.

The platform enables management of all content and an overview of the entire sale.

For inclusion, contact us at [email protected].
We will contact you as soon as possible to start the integration.

Audiobook publishing process

Upload audio files

Upload book covers

Edit audiobook information

Add chapters

Set prices and discounts

View sales