Audibook |  Največja knjižnica avdio knjig v slovenskem jeziku

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Audiobook narrators

What we are looking for

Audibook has already produced more than 800 audio books within the framework of its operation. When creating audio books, we are constantly expanding our collective of readers.

We invite readers of all ages who believe they have a suitable voice to read texts aloud to participate.


What we offer

The possibility of participating in the production of new audio books in the Slovenian language. Work in a calm, professional environment - recording studio, professional attitude, stimulating pay and flexible schedule. The work is project-based. Payment and the deadline for production are determined at the level of the individual project.

Single session duration: 1 - 3 hours
Location: Ljubljana


Selection procedure

To apply as an audiobook reader, fill out the application form below. If we judge that you are suitable as an audiobook reader, we will add your recordings to our reader catalog. If you are selected to read the audio book, we will invite you to participate and send you all the details of the project by e-mail.

For the audition, you can submit any recordings that best represent your voice and different reading styles, or you can send us recordings of sample text.