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Audiobook library
Audiobook library
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Library borrow
1. Registration
Register in the Audibook mobile app using your Facebook account or email address.
2. Dodajanje knjižnične izkaznice
When using the Audibook mobile app for the first time, select your library from the list, then enter your library card number and confirm your entry. This will link your library card to your Audibook user account, allowing you to borrow audio books within the mobile app.
3. Choosing an audio book
In the 'All Books' tab, select the audio book you want from the list of books. You can help with the search by entering the title or author in the search box. Audio books available for library loan are marked with:

4. Library loan of audio books
Before confirming the loan of the selected audio book, you can listen to a short sample and read a detailed description of the book. To confirm the loan, press the Library loan button and follow the on-screen steps.
5. Listen to the audio book
After borrowing, you can download the audio book to your phone and start listening. With the help of bookmarks, you can scroll through individual chapters more clearly.
1. Registration
Register in the Audibook mobile app using your Facebook account or email address.
2. Dodajanje knjižnične izkaznice
When using the Audibook mobile app for the first time, select your library from the list, then enter your library card number and confirm your entry. This will link your library card to your Audibook user account, allowing you to borrow audio books within the mobile app.
3. Choosing an audio book
In the 'All Books' tab, select the audio book you want from the list of books. You can help with the search by entering the title or author in the search box. Audio books available for library loan are marked with:
4. Library loan of audio books
Before confirming the loan of the selected audio book, you can listen to a short sample and read a detailed description of the book. To confirm the loan, press the Library loan button and follow the on-screen steps.
5. Listen to the audio book
After borrowing, you can download the audio book to your phone and start listening. With the help of bookmarks, you can scroll through individual chapters more clearly.
Download the mobile app
and listen to audiobooks